Puppy’s Luggage News

They say ‘good things come in small packages’. Well, much like the BlueRinse Nappy Sack, Puppy’s Luggage offers the same peace of mind and security as its big brother…..in a smaller size.
Measuring only 500mm x 500mm x 500mm, it can be stood on a purpose built Puppy’s Luggage Sled, and is ideal for dealing with washout from concrete pumps and miscellaneous equipment, capturing solids and reducing pH as the water passes through the fabric.

Our new general purpose concrete washout sacks offer the same benefits as our BlueRinse Nappy Sack, but in a smaller package;

  • Filtration of coarse and fine particles from washwater
  • Self dosing of pH Blue to treat washwater pH
  • Reduced risk to operators, and the environment
  • Self supporting walls (stands up by itself)
  • Flexible and easy to squeeze under, around or through awkward equipment
  • Smaller form factor, 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 metres
  • Easier to handle, transport and ship (can be posted)
  • Ideal for mobile works equipment washout e.g. trackside
  • Great for washing out pumps

Visit our ‘Products shop’ for more information.

Understanding pH

pH is a measure of how acidic a solution is. For dilute solutions the pH scale ranges from pH 0 to pH 14, pH seven is in the middle and is therefore the neutral point; pH’s less than 7 are acidic and pH’s greater than 7 are alkaline.

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Danger of High pH Wash Water

The chemical reaction which causes fresh concrete to slowly stiffen and harden is quite complicated. A by-product of this process is the creation of a highly alkaline chemical that has a natural pH in excess of 12. Drinking water, by comparison, has a pH of around 6.5 to 7.

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